Once Upon a Time There Was an Indian


  • Arij Ouweneel Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation




Alas de maguey. La lucha de Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza, by Marta Gómez-Rodulfo, with a preface by Elena Poniatowska, 2012.

Embers of the Past. Essays in Times of Decolonization, by Javier Sanjinés C., with a foreword by Walter D. Mignolo; translated by David Frye, 2013.

The Village Is Like a Wheel: Rethinking Cargos, Family and Ethnicity in Highland Mexico, by Roger Magazine, 2012.

Author Biography

Arij Ouweneel, Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation

Arij Ouweneel <a.ouweneel@cedla.nl> is Associate Professor at CEDLA. Over the past few years he has changed his research of colonial history to contemporary history and is now working on a study on the ‘decoloniality’ in Peru.






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