The Conundrum of Violence and Insecurity in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro


  • Kees Koonings University of Amsterdam



Favela. Four Decades of Living on the Edge in Rio de Janeiro, by Janice Perlman. Oxford University Press, 2010.

Hard Times in the Marvelous City. From Dictatorship to Democracy in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, by Bryan McCann. Duke University Press, 2014.

Todo Dia É Segunda Feira, by José Mariano Beltrame (with Sérgio Garcia and Eliane Azevedo). Sextante, 2014.

Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora: Debate e Reflexões, edited by André Rodrigues, Raíza Siqueira, and Mauricio Lissovski. ISER – Comunicações do ISER 31(67) (December), 2012.

Author Biography

Kees Koonings, University of Amsterdam

Kees Koonings <> is professor of Brazilian studies at the University of Amsterdam, a member of the research and teaching staff of Cedla, and associate professor of Anthropology and Development Studies at Utrecht University.






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