Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution as Seen through Foreign Eyes


  • Dick Parker Universidad Central de Venezuela



– The Enduring Legacy. Oil, Culture and Society in Venezuela, by Miguel Tinker Salas. Durham/London: Duke University Press, 2009.
– Rethinking Venezuelan Politics. Class, Conflict and the Chávez Phenomenon, by Steve Ellner. Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2008.
– Changing Venezuela by Taking Power. The History and Policies of the Chávez Government, by Gregory Wilpert. London/New York: Verso, 2007.
– The Real Venezuela. Making Socialism in the 21st Century, by Iain Bruce. London: Pluto Press, 2008.
– Democracy and Revolution. Latin America and Socialism Today, by D.L. Raby. London/Ann Arbor: Pluto Press, 2006.

Author Biography

Dick Parker, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Dick Parker is Full Professor at the Department of Latin American Studies, Sociology School, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.






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