Searching for Work, Striving for Justice: New Perspectives on Latin American Migrations to the United States


  • Robert V. Kemper Southern Methodist University



– Corridors of Migration: The Odyssey of Mexican Laborers, 1600-1933, by Rodolfo F. Acuña. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2007.
– Impacts of Border Enforcement on Mexican Migration: The View from Sending Communities, edited by Wayne A. Cornelius and Jessa M. Lewis. La Jolla, SD: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, 2007.1
– Four Generations of Norteños: New Research from the Cradle of Mexican Migration, edited by Wayne A. Cornelius, David Fitzgerald, and Scott Borger. La Jolla, SD: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California,
– Mayan Journeys: The New Migration from Yucatán to the United States, edited by Wayne A. Cornelius, David Fitzgerald, and Pedro Lewin Fischer. La Jolla, SD: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California, 2007.
– In Search of Providence: Transnational Mayan Identities, by Patricia Foxen. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2007.

Author Biography

Robert V. Kemper, Southern Methodist University

Robert V. Kemper is Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 75275 USA.






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