The Peace Commission: A Consensus on the Recent Past in Uruguay?


  • Eugenia Allier Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México




Author Biography

Eugenia Allier, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Eugenia Allier Montaño has a PhD in History (2004) from the École des Hautes  Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and is doing postdoctoral research at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Mexico City, for the project ‘Memory and Politics: Discourses on Memory in the  Public Sphere’, led by Dr Nora Rabotnikof. The postdoctorate is possible thanks to  the financial help of the Coordinación de Humanidades. Her specialization is contemporary history of Latin America, with several publications on the problematics  of memory/forgetting and the political uses of the historic past in debates on public national spaces, the notion of truth in history and psychoanalysis, and also the  memory of human rights violations in Latin America. A recent publication is, ‘Sara  y simón o la reconstrucción del pasado: el problema de la verdad en la escritura de la historia del tiempo presente’, Cuicuilco Revista de la Escuela Nacional de  Antropología e Historia, Vol. 11, No. 30, enero-abril de 2004, pp. 9-45, CONACULTA-INAH, México.






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