Book Reviews


  • Book Review Editor, Barbara Hogenboom CEDLA



Rethinking Latin America: Development, Hegemony, and Social Transformation, by Ronaldo Munck (2013); reviewed by Peadar Kirby

The Long, Lingering Shadow. Slavery, Race and Law in the American Hemisphere, by Robert J. Cottrol (2013); reviewed by Guno Jones

Centering Animals in Latin American History, edited by Martha Few and Zeb Tortorici (2013); reviewed by Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger and Dannieli Firme Herbst

River of Hope. Forging Identity and Nation in the Rio Grande Borderlands, by Omar S. Valério-Jiménez (2013); reviewed by Raymond Buve

Enabling Peace in Guatemala: The Story of MINUGUA, by William Stanley (2013); reviewed by Dirk Kruijt

Governing Indigenous Territories: Enacting Sovereignty in the Ecuadorian Amazon, by Juliet Erazo (2013); reviewed by Veronica Davidov

Transnational Activism and National Movements in Latin America: Bridging the Divide, edited by Eduardo Silva (2013); reviewed by Roberta Rice

Haiti’s New Dictatorship: The Coup, the Earthquake and the UN Occupation, by Justin Podur (2012); reviewed by Talitha Stam

Cuba under Raúl Castro: Assessing the Reforms, por Carmelo Mesa-Lago y Jorge Pérez-López (2013); Cuban Economists on the Cuban Economy, editado por Al Campbell (2013); reseñado por Pablo Ospina Peralta

Trumpets in the Mountains: Theater and the Politics of National Culture in Cuba, by Laurie A. Frederik (2012); reviewed by Jacqueline Loss

Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint, by R. Andrew Chesnut (2012); reviewed by José Carlos G. Aguiar

Foodscapes, Foodfields and Identities in Yucatán, by Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz (2012); reviewed by Ester Katz






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