Book Reviews | Reseñas


  • Book Review Editor, Barbara Hogenboom



Violent Democracies in Latin America, edited by Enrique Desmond Arias and Daniel M. Goldstein; reviewed by Rivke Jaffe, p. 124

Violence, Coercion, and State-Making in Twentieth Century Mexico. The Other Half of the Centaur, edited by Wil Pansters; reviewed by Markus-Michael Müller, p. 126

Police Reform in Mexico. Informal Politics and the Challenge of Institutional Change, by Daniel M. Sabet; reviewed by Wil G. Pansters, p. 128

Bribes, Bullets and Intimidation: Drug Trafficking and the Law in Central America, by Julie Marie Bunck and Michael Ross Fowler; reviewed by Sonja Wolf, p. 132

Latin American Urban Development into the 21st Century: Towards a Renewed Perspective on the City, edited by Dennis Rodgers, Jo Beall and Ravi Kanbur; reviewed by Christien Klaufus, p. 133

Latin America’s Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First Century Socialism, by Roger Burbach, Michael Fox and Federico Fuentes; reviewed by Barry Cannon, p. 136

Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion, by Arnold August; reviewed by Antonio Carmona Báez, p. 138

Bolivia: Processes of Change, by John Crabtree and Ann Chaplin; reviewed by Gonzalo Rojas-Ortuste, p. 140

The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Latin America, by Raúl L. Madrid; reviewed by Ton Salman, 142

Intimate Indigeneities. Race, Sex, and History in the Small Spaces of Andean Life, by Andrew Canessa; reviewed by Annelou Ypeij, p. 145

¡Américas Unidas! Nelson A. Rockefeller’s Office of Inter-American Affairs (1940-1946), edited by Gisela Cramer and Ursula Prutsch; reviewed by Darlene J. Sadlier, p. 146

How a Revolutionary Art became Official Culture: Murals, Museums, and the Mexican State, by Mary Coffey; reviewed by Paula López Caballero, p. 148

Sugar, Slavery, Christianity and the Making of Race, by Mark Edelman Boren; reviewed by Gert Oostindie, p. 150






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