Book Reviews | Reseñas


  • Book Review Editor, Barbara Hogenboom



Forests and Climate Change. The Social Dimensions of REDD in Latin America, by Anthony Hall; reviewed by Mariel Aguilar Støen, p. 117

Environment and Citizenship in Latin America. Natures Subjects and Struggles, editado por Alex Latta y Hannah Wittman; reviewed by Mariana Walter, p. 119

Patients of the State. The Politics of Waiting in Argentina, by Javier Auyero; reviewed by Constantin Groll, p. 122

Long Live Atahualpa: Indigenous Politics, Justice, and Democracy in the Northern Andes, by Emma Cervone; reviewed by Marc Simon Thomas, p. 124

Sexual Revolutions in Cuba: Passion, Politics, and Memory, by Carrie Hamilton; reviewed by Javier Corrales, p. 125

Shaping the Immigration Debate: Contending Civil Societies on the US-Mexico Border, by Cari Lee Skogberg Eastman; reviewed by Susan Berger, p. 128

The Making of Law: The Supreme Court and Labor Legislation in Mexico, 1875-1931, by William J. Suarez-Potts; reviewed by Raymond Buve, p. 130

Madres, obreras, amantes: Protagonismo femenino en la historia de América Latina, por Barbara Potthast; reviewed by Eugenia Scarzanella, p. 132

El imperio de las circunstancias. Las independencias hispanoamericanas y la revolución liberal española, por Roberto Breña; reviewed by Raymond Buve, p. 134

The Inquisition in New Spain 1536-1820. A Documentary History, by John Chuchiak IV; reviewed by Elena Deanda, p. 136

Identity, Ritual, and Power in Colonial Puebla, by Frances L. Ramos; reviewed by Alejandro Cañeque, p. 137

Chocolate and Corn Flour. History, Race, and Place in the Making of 'Black' Mexico, por Laura A. Lewis; reviewed by Jorge Hernández Díaz, p. 139

Allegories of Wildness: Three Nambikwara Ethnohistories of Sociocultural and Linguistic Change and Continuity, by Edwin B. Reesink; reviewed by Felipe Vander Velden, p. 142

Writing Across Cultures. Narrative Transculturation in Latin America, by Angel Rama; reviewed by Sara Castro-Klaren, p. 144






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